Communities supporting the Voice: Campaign management, strategy & tools

Sue Barrett, Captain of Goldstein for Yes and Campaign Manager for Zoe Daniel, shares what it takes to plan and execute a successful campaign from the awareness raising stage, to direct voter engagement, to pre-poll and polling day.

Goldstein for the Voice is an alliance of political, faith and other community groups across the electorate, working together to secure the YES vote. The single-minded objective is to give all voters in Goldstein a NO RISK reason to Vote Yes in the Voice Referendum. 

Drawing on her recent campaign experience as Zoe Daniel's campaign manager and her extensive leadership, sales and marketing expertise, Sue outlines what it takes to plan and execute a successful campaign from the awareness raising stage, to direct voter engagement, to pre-poll and polling day. This practical hands on zoom covers campaign planning, structure and goals, leading and motivating teams, events, communications, mental health and well being, and much more. While Sue focuses on the Voice campaign, these tools and tips are applicable to all community campaigning. 

Event resources

The Goldstein for Yes webpage is an excellent example of how to set up your campaign page on Yes23’s Supporterbase system. In addition to the information about the group, upcoming campaign activities and volunteer sign up, it contains a valuable list of resources which could be helpful for your campaign too.

These include:

During the presentation Sue discusses the Campaign Engagement and Activiation Plan they are using in Goldstein as well as a Fact Sheet she has created to help dispel the myths about the Voice and help the community understand the importance of voting YES.


Communities supporting the Voice: Reaching diverse parts of the community


Think Global, Act Local